In this week’s box:
- lettuce
- enjoy! our lettuce, like much else, is bolting, so this will likely be the last of these beautiful heads of lettuce until what’s been sown matures in a coupla weeks

- arugula
- red mustard greens
- spicy delicious and a striking rich red-purple! these can be cooked like spinach, though we like to just tear raw leaves into salad
- mini pumpkins
- nopales
- vitamin- and mineral-rich, antiviral, and packed with antioxidants, nopal can help to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels. BEWARE THE ESPINAS! nothing too bad, but handle with care to avoid too many splinters. cut out the pokey bits and rinse under running water. grill it, throw it in a smoothie, or slice and sautée it with tomatoes, onion, garlic, and spices
- heirloom tomatoes
- cherry tomatoes
- herb bouquet: cilantro, oregano, epazote
- used as a strong medicinal herb for centuries, epazote is native to Mexico and Central America. it is commonly used when cooking beans to reduce flatulence and indigestion, though it pairs well with other herbs and spices (cumin, chile, oregano, cilantro) and is used across Mexican cuisine. it is generally beneficial to help regulate digestion and fight intestinal parasites. brew it as a tea and enjoy.
- cut flowers: cempasúchil (marigold), sunflower, coral fountain amaranth.