A long white crunchy vegetable of the radish family, daikon is similar in appearance to fresh horseradish, but has a lighter peppery punch similar to watercress. Unlike other radishes, it is as good cooked as it is raw.
The word “daikon” comes from the Japanese word for “big root.” It’s also common in South Asian cuisines (such as India) where it’s known as mooli.
The root veggie is subtly sweet and slightly spicy. It has a mild flavor that mellows even more when cooked. When eaten raw, it is delightfully crunchy. When it is cooked, it becomes soft and tender, like a cooked turnip.
The roots can be stored for weeks without the leaves kept in a cool, dry place.
Daikon has a variety of uses:
- Toss raw daikon with salad or slaw. You can slice it and use it to garnish sandwiches. Wherever you add raw daikon, it’ll add mild spice and a welcome crunch.
- Throw it into a stir-fry with your favorite veggies for a quick and tasty meal.
- Pickle it with carrots and make Vietnamese banh mi.
- Don’t throw out the greens! Steam or sauté them with a dash of soy!