Hyptis emoryi

Hyptis fills the arroyos and waves lithe and tall on the roadsides. Known as desert lavender and bee sage, lavanda and salvia in Spanish.

Hyptis emoryi / Desert lavender

Like the lavender and sage we know, this aromatic cooling herb is actually in the mint family – who knew. Strong anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, it is used topically to treat skin conditions – irritations, cuts and burns. When taken internally, it treats respiratory and digestive issues, as well as regulating blood flow. A mild sedative, it can also be used to treat stress and anxiety. To use externally, chew up the flowers and leaves to make a poultice and apply to the skin, or throw them into your bath water. For internal use, enjoy the flowers and young leaves as a tea or make a tincture. For more info, Sonoran herbalist John Slattery has a beautiful and informative post on desert lavender on his website.


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