In this week’s box:
- arugula
- chrysanthemum greens (shungiku)
- Japanese chrysanthemum, also known as crown daisy or garland daisy, is an edible green with lovely yellow and white flowers that make a delightful tea. Read more about how to use it here.

- mustard greens
- napa cabbage
- tomatoes
- we pick these early in order to get to them before the critters! if you receive tomatoes that are not yet fully ripened, simply leave them out on your kitchen counter until ripe.
- daikon radish
- grate it, pickle it, roast it – yum! Read more here.
- sugargane
- peel the outer skin off, and chew on the fibres to suck out the sweet cane juice. Need a demo?
- strawberry compote
- A gift to say thank you for supporting the CSA pilot here at Huerta de la Luna! Keep refrigerated! Enjoy soon. Sterile but not canned. Made from our organic strawberries, piloncillo, basil, chia seed, lemon juice and rind, and cinnamon.
- herb bouquet: lavender, basil, dill
- cut flowers: cosmos and bok-choi blossoms